Translation for 140 languages by ALS
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowline.
Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sail.
Explore. Dream. Discover
---Mark Twain


Murals in Tijuana (Playas)

Most of these murals in Playas de Tijuana line the boardwalk along the beach. I think you'll agree it is much more appealing than graffiti; there is some graffiti art, though, and it, too, was commissioned. (While writing one afternoon I saw the artists completing it. Truth be told, graffiti art (and it can be art when not done to damage people's property) is fascinating when you actually watch the spray-painting in progress.)  
outdoor gallery along boardwalk in Playas
(2d from rt. by David Aleman

talk about home decoration!

 "We must eliminate all that you think of freedom."
"But I want to be free..."
"Shut up!"

 creepy doll in doll house.
(...well looks creepy to me)

Facebook pages of Steve Jobs & Julian Assange.
(This is on the streets of Mexico?!)


  1. Hello, Im David Aleman; the autor of the Airplane comic mural in Playas, it was my first Mural, it tooked me 4 months to get it rigth, I have another one at the Cortijo in Playas

  2. Hi David. Thanks for introducing yourself! The public artworks on display in Playas are pleasing to eye. I hope the force behind the projects keep it up and expand.


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